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Advisor Company*
Advisor Name*
Advisor Email Address*
Advisor Phone Number*
Money Laundering Checks Complete*
Is the Donor(s) a Politically Exposed Person (PEP)
Which custodian will the Charity Foundation be held with?
Is this for a Corporate DAF?*
Does the client require philanthropic advice?
What purpose interests the donor?
Are there any charities the donor would like to give grants to?
How frequent does the donor wish to give grants?
Donor First Name
Donor Last Name*
Donor Date of birth
Donor Nationality
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
City / Town
Postal Code
Home Phone
Mobile Phone
Email Address
Chosen Charity Foundation Name
Is there a second Donor?*
Eligible for Gift Aid?*
Amount of First Donation*
Frequency of Donation*
Are there any Additional Grant Representatives?*
Is there a Successor?*
Will your client be happy to sign the application form electronically?*

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